"We are passionate about providing our customers with quality measurement solutions, and we persist in offering you the highest quality measurement equipment. We will provide the best equipment for your product quality control." 

Business Philosophy:

  • Implement corporate governance, fulfilling our management obligations and responsibilities.
  • Comply with laws to reduce business risk.
  • Uphold principles of honesty and stability to ensure sustainable operation.
  • Enhance core values to strengthen competitiveness.
  • Improve operational performance to maximize benefits.

Steadfast Beliefs:

  • Absolute commitment to quality.
  • Dedication to preserving customer confidential information.
  • Tracking industry trends and providing solutions.
  • Offering flexible processes that exceed customer needs.
  • Commitment to shareholder responsibility.

Company Vision:

To become the global leader in outstanding X-ray measurement equipment.

Operating Policy:

    • Maintain good partnerships with suppliers and win-win situations with customers, using quality and flexible services to maintain competitive market position.
    • Stabilize existing customers, expand new customers, and enhance customer service quality. Develop high-value and niche products to maintain profitability.
    • Continually increase capacity, improve automated processes and production efficiency, reduce production costs.
    • Strengthen relationships with customers and suppliers.

We specialize in using X-ray principles to design equipment for analyzing the quality of our customers' products, and physical optics principles to conduct non-destructive analysis of customer product quality. We carry out these measurements using different angles, different energies, and different times. Since X-rays are not visible light, we use various detectors to receive signals and convert them into spectra for analysis. 

Company Vision:

To become the global leader in outstanding X-ray measurement equipment.

Operating Policy:

  • Maintain good partnerships with suppliers and win-win situations with customers, using quality and flexible services to maintain competitive market position.
  • Stabilize existing customers, expand new customers, and enhance customer service quality. Develop high-value and niche products to maintain profitability.
  • Continually increase capacity, improve automated processes and production efficiency, reduce production costs.
  • Strengthen relationships with customers and suppliers.